US Representative, District 17 – Clyde Garland, 979-779-1775 — Let ring 7x to leave a message.

3100 Rolling Glen; Bryan (Brazos Co). TX

My political views and comments:
Summary #1:
“I am a long-time Libertarian, who recognizes that: :
Our Supreme Law is the Constitution,
which codifies that we have Rights,
and all our Rights are a subset of this Right:  
We have the Right to “Pursue happiness,”
if we do not take this Right from another.” 
Index: Summary #2:
This Index has a Summary for each one-word Topic:

  1. Qualifications A US Citizen who lives in Texas and is at least 25 years old, per
  2. Libertarian Since 1980, when I saw a 3AM TV ad by Libertarian Ed Clark for President,
    who got 1.1%.
  3. Winning I (Clyde) will not win: L (me) 3% vs D 34% vs R 63%, my guess, based on
    2022 Votes.
  4. Supreme Law The Constitution is the “Supreme Law” of these United States.
  5. US Constitution It is our government with three branches: 1 st is Legislature; 2 nd is
    Executive; 3 rd is Judicial
  6. Legislature 1 st Branch is Congress, with a House and Senate, with seven “Powers” to
    pass Laws.
  7. House It has 435 voting Reps — 38 (#1 – #38) are from Texas, and I am running for
  8. Senate It has 100 Reps, who must approve all Bills passed by the House to become
  9. Executive 2 nd Branch is the President, Chief of the Military, appoints Cabinet, Judges, & Ambassadors.
  10. Judicial 3 rd Branch is the Supreme Ct & lower Cts to hear cases as they relate to the
  11. Jurors 4 th Branch are Jurors, who ensure laws are Justly applied, though it is not
    called the 4 th .
  12. Summary The Constitution is so easy to understand, that there is a one Page, five-
    minute, Summary.
  13. Oath All Gov officials, including those we elect, take an “Oath” to “Support” the
  14. Rights We have the ‘Right’ to pursue happiness, for Self, if we respect the Rights of
  15. Constitutional Right to “Pursue Happiness” is not a Humanitarian right.
  16. Humanitarian Our Right to not suffer, like starving, does not give us the Right to
    force others to feed us.
  17. Brazos County, Texas is where I live, with a population of 234k.
  18. TxUSReps Any Texas registered Voter, over the age of 25, can run for any TxUs Rep
    position #1 – #38.
  19. TxUs#17 I am running for #17, even though I do not live in that district.
  20. TxUs#10 Brazos County used to be #17 (Sessions); after redistricting, it is now #10
  21. OSTA “One Subject at a Time Act” would prevent other subjects (Riders) from being added
    to Bills.
  22. Survey The higher you land on the Nolan Survey, the more libertarian you are.
  23. Score My Nolan score is 100/100 = 200 which means I am extremely pro Liberty.
  24. Democracy It is a poor system for protecting our Rights, but way better than any other.
  25. Advisors They will be any registered Voter in my district who appoint themselves. .
  26. Maverick Be a Maverick Libertarian Candidate like me, it is easy:
  27. Schools Public Schools are one of the main reasons our Government keeps growing,
  28. ProEd It is a way to encourage/pay parents to privately educate their kids.
  29. Procedure My Advisors (Voters) are my boss, they will dictate how I will Vote in
  30. Size TxUs17 is a vast area, with 14 Counties, north of Brazos County – two deep x seven wide.
  31. Platforms Parties have Conventions at which time they adopted Platforms to state their
  32. Positions Rights, COVID, Inflation, Sex, Abortion, Drugs and Draft.
  33. COVID Proved again that our Reps can (unconstitutionally) take our Rights, which causes inflation.
  34. Inflation It is a hidden tax in plain sight.
    35 Sex There should be no laws regarding sex between consenting adults.
  35. Abortion The rights of fetus and mother are in conflict, respect both as best as we can.
  36. Drugs Get rid of laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs.
  37. War Military service should be voluntary; a draft should not exist.
  38. Solution Do not Vote for Incumbents unless they prove to you that they “support” the
  39. Miscellaneous Index: More Topics:

If any of the above Topics caught your interest, then this section may have a few more that

may interest you.
1.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
A US Citizen who lives in Texas and is at least 25 years old, per Constitution.
I am a 77-year-old retired Designer/Builder
Although I am too old to be your Rep, unfortunately,
I am the one you should Vote for,
if you believe being Free (Liberty) is a good thing,
and you favor Reps who are easy to reach,

and who allows anyone to add their views to the political process.
Then you should vote for me.
Also, I read the Constitution, which very few do, including those we elect.
The Constitution requires all Gov employees, which includes those we elect,
to take an Oath to “support” it.
If our Reps does not read it, how can they “support” it?
2.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Libertarian: (Less Government, more Freedom.)
Since 1980, when I saw a 3 AM TV ad by Libertarian Ed Clark for President, who got 1.1%.
At age 34, 1980, I saw Ed Clark’s half hour TV ad and decide I was a libertarian.
He was running for President on the Libertarian ticket.
I did not agree with him on Drugs, and other issues.
But I agreed with more of his views than the other Candidates.
3.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
I (Clyde) will not win: L (me) 3% vs D 34% vs R 63%, my guess, based on 2022 Votes.
In Texas, Ls have won a few nonpartisan races, like City Council;
but never a partisan race against a D or R.
Unfortunately, L (Libertarian) candidates do not get enough votes to affect who wins.
Here are the % Vote our LP Presidential Candidates have gotten:
1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024
Hos Mac Clark Bergland Paul Marrou Brown Badnarik Barr Johnson Jorgerson
0.0 0.2 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.4 1.0 3.3 1.2
(1972=Hospers=4k=0.0%; 1976=MacBride=173k=0.2%; 1980=Clark=921k=1.1%)
The #s above allow me to guess that our 2024 L Presidential Candidate will get 1-2%,
which will mean our two-Party system will prevail again.
My Surveys show that most of the 1% would not vote if there was no L to vote for.
In 2020, the Pres votes were R 52%, D 47% & L 1%, which gave Trump all its 38 Electoral Votes.
In 2022, the TxUsRep17 got: R 56% vs D 44%.
In 2024, TxUsRep17 has an R (Pete Sessions, the Incumbent) vs D (Mark Lorenzen) vs L (me).
I am guessing the Vote will be 63% vs 34% vs 3%, per 2022 Vote totals.
Brazos County:
Bz, where I live, will do better than Texas,
because its Ls have a long history of being more active than the Ls in other Counties.
I am guessing our L TxUs17 Candidate (Bill Kelsey), in Bz, will get 26% (vs R = 74%).
Why Vote L?
Our Ls, in Texas, will not win.
But do vote L; The more votes our L Candidates get, the more libertarian their opponents will become,
especially if the other Parties stop voting for their Incumbents who do not “support” the Constitution,
which is almost all Incumbents.
There is a huge disconnect between what Voters want and how their I\Incumbents Vote while in Congress.
That is why 90% of all federal laws and 50% of state laws are unconstitutional.

4.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Supreme Law:
The Constitution is the “Supreme Law” of these United States.
Ninety % of our federal and 50% of our state laws are unconstitutional,
because almost no one reads it, which includes the 4% of our US population (342m),
and our US Congress (535) that they Voted for in their March Primarie.
Whoever the dominate Party elects in their March Primary,
Also be elected again, eight months later, in the Nov General Election.)
(I am running for UsTx #17 – Texas has 38 UsReps & 40 Electoral Votes.)
5.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
US Constitution:
It is our government with three branches: 1 st is Legislature; 2 nd is Executive; 3 rd is Judicial.
It codifies that we have ‘Rights’ and grants Congress seven Powers to protect our ‘Rights.’
The Constitution includes:
The Declaration of Independence: 1776.
The US rejected British rule for not respecting the Rights of
each person to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Constitution: 1787.
The US adopted a Constitution to codify that we, “The People,” have Rights,
and to have an organized way to keep our Government form taking our Rights,
and to keep the governments of other nations from invading us to take our Rights.
The federal government has three branches:
Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary. .
It also has a fourth Branch: Jurors.
The US Constitution is our US Government, which details its structure and limits its Powers.
It has three branches to keep each other in check, and a 4 th to prevent the others from causing harm.
1 st Branch is the Legislature, which is called Congress, which consist of a House and Senate, who pass Laws.
2 nd is the President, who is Chief of the Military, and who appoints Cabinet, Judges, & Ambassadors.
3 rd is the Supreme Ct & lower Cts to hear cases as they relate to the Constitution.
4 th is Juries, who ensure that laws are Justly applied, though it is not called it the 4 th Branch.

6.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
1 st Branch is Congress, with a House and Senate, with seven “Powers” to pass Laws.
It is the only Branch that can pass Laws.
Congress has only seven enumerated “Powers;”
Taxing, Money, Mail, Patents, Courts, Military, and Naturalization, Art:1.8.
Any laws Congress pass that are not within these limits are unconstitutional.
All other Powers go to the States or the people.
Any laws Congress pass that are not within these limits are unconstitutional.
Having the Power to do those things, does not mean Congress has to do them.
Currently, Congress has made Gov monopolies of all of them,
to the point of, unconstitutionally, passing laws to prevent others from providing the same service.
It has also unconstitutionally created monopolies where it has no Constitutional Power to do so.
At any time, Congress can choose to let the free market provide those services.
Constitutional Federal Monopolies.

US Post Office:
Congress should sell it.
It is obvious to most Voters, that the free market can provide this service.
Congress should also sell this one.
However, Voters are not ready to let Congress do that.
And, of course, Congress is not willing to give up that Power.
Congress no longer provides Constitutional (real) money, as detailed in the Constitution.
It is unconstitutional fake (fiat) money that has allowed Congress to spend excessively.
Fiat money also allows Congress an unconstitutional way to tax us by inflating its supply,
That is why the US is $17 trillion in debt = $50k/person = $150k per family of three.
Unconstitutional Federal Monopolies:
I will mention only two, plus Welfare:
The Department of Education:
The Constitution does not give Congress the “Power” to provide education or control it.
Like any business, Gov can train its employees to do their job.
However, when it ventures beyond its own employees, it is unconstitutional.
The Department of Energy (DOE):
Same thing for this Department.
Like all unconstitutional Departments, Gov creates them to do good, to fix a problem.
They almost never fix the problem, while making Gov larger, which is a bigger problem.
The DOE was created in 1977 to stop oil companies from making “obscene” profits.
They usually make 3%/yr but had a good year and some of them made 10%.
The DOE started small, but has grown huge, passing unconstitutional laws to control all Energy Companies.
Its current budget is $130 billion/yr, way more than all oil companies have ever made, combined.
When Departments, a President or Judge pass a Law, it is unconstitutional.
Only Congress can pass federal laws.
Gov has no Constitutional Power (authority) to have a “welfare” program or department.
There was no such thing as federal Gov welfare programs for its first 100yrs.
However, there are now thousands of them.
As Gov expands it unconstitutional welfare programs, friends, relatives,
and charities have less money and incentive to help others.
Why help another when it is Gov’s job to do that?
Also, Gov is always very inefficient in whatever it does.
7.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
House: Two-year term, age at least 25.
It has 435 voting Reps — 38 (#1 – #38) are from Texas, and I am running for Dist.17.
It, plus the Senate, is the 1 st Branch of Government.
(Texas had 36 until 2021, but it now has 38,
because the 2020 US Census showed Texas grew by 16%,
faster than all states, but two:
Utah, 18%, which has four US Reps’
Idaho, 17%, which has two.)
The US House and Senate pass laws to tax us,
regular us and spend our money.
They, our elected Reps, only have a seven enumerated “Powers”
that allow them to do that. They are:
Taxing Money, Mail, Patents, Courts, Military, & Naturalization.
And they define federal crimes and direct the federal Census every 10yrs.

All Money (Taxes, etc) bills start in the House,
Both, our House, and Senate Reps’ annual salary is $174k/yr,
8.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Senate: Four-year term, age at least 30.
It has 100 Reps, who must approve all Bills passed by the House to become laws.
It, plus the House, is the 1 st Branch of Government.
The US Senate has 100 Reps, two from each State,
They must approve all Bills passed by the House to become laws.
Both Houses seem to forget that Bills have to “Support” the Constitution.
If they fail to “Support,” they are unconstitutional and should be ignored,
or opposed, by those who are willing to suffer the pain of doing that.
The best time to oppose an unconstitutional law is when it is first past.
If a law goes many years without successful resistance,
it is still unconstitutional, but our Custom, making it a weak law that stands.
Customs are stronger than the Constitution.
The Senate approves, presidential nominations,
Ratify’s treaties and it tries Impeachments.
Both our House and Senate Reps’ annual salary is $174k, with a $2m budget.
9.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Executive: President: Four-year term, age at least 35.
2 nd Branch is the President, Chief of the Military, appoints Cabinet, Judges, & Ambassadors.
The President is Chief of the Military and represents the US with other nations.
Appoints members to his Cabinet and appoints Ambassadors to other Nations and to the UN.
Th President can only do what Congress lets him do.
(The President is Chief of the Military, but only Congress can declare War,
which Congress has not done since 1941.
All the undeclared wars since then, including the secret ones,
require Congress to approve funding, or they would not happen.
Our elected Congress can prevent our elected President form doing anything.
By not funding it.
The President can prevent any law that Congress passes by vetoing it.
However, Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 rd Vote,
President’s annual salary is $400k, with a $1b budget, my guess.
Our federal Gov (Congress) spent $6T(rillon) in 2022, $2T more than it received.
Part of that goes to pay our President for costs he could eliminate,
without Congresses’ permission
Like not living in the Whitehouse, not traveling, etc.
and by only having a non-paid Cabinet, who meet on-line.)
Having a fortified castle and paying Advisors is expensive and obsolete.
10.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Judiciary: No Constitutional requirements. .

3 rd Branch is the Supreme Ct & lower federal Cts to hear cases that relate to the Constitution.
It consists of one supreme Court and lesser Courts).
Anyone who Can Read, can hold this position.
I trust the average person who will read the Constitution to do a better job than what we have.
To get selected, a person must pander to the President who selected them,
and a Congress, who must Approves them.
And if they must quote the Constitution, they will use their years of legal training to
twist the words to mean whatever they want them to mean.
Then there is the reality that to be appointed and approved they must
have experience as a Lawyer &/or Judge,
which means they must be a member of the Bar Association,
none of which is required by the Constitution.
Supreme Court Judges annual salaries are $253k, with a $2m budget.
11.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Jurors: Age at least 18.
4 th Branch are Jurors, who ensure laws are Justly applied, though it is not called the 4 th .
It is the 4 th Branch of Government, though the Constitution does not call it a “Branch.”
That is what the Founding Fathers called it when discussing its importance,
Our Founding Fathers feared Gov, including the one they created.
So, they did what they could to protect themselves (“The People”) from it.
The Constitution has three branches of Gov to keep each other in check.
And they added the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments.
They knew that a bad Gov could pass bad laws.
They knew that even good laws could cause an injustice.
The Constitution codifies that everyone has a right to a jury trial.
That defendants will be judged by their piers’, not Gov.
For the first 50yrs most judges would inform jurors
that their job was to render a just verdict.
If the law or required punishment would cause an injustice,
they should render a “Not Guilty” verdict.
Slowly, fewer Judges would do that.
Almost every judge says the opposite, today.
Judges say rendering a just verdict is not a jury’s job.
Juror’s only job is to judge the facts.
If the facts show the defendant broke the law, they must convict.
Jurors must accept that the law is whatever the Judge says it is.
Judges decide which facts can be presented.
Jugges ensure that only jurors, who are “partial” to convict, can sit on a jury.
(Having “impartial” juries, as originally intended, are not allowed.)
Judges issue “gage orders” to prevent the defendant or his lawyer,
from complaining outside the Court Room about the trial, the judge, etc.
(So much for “Freedom of Speech,” the 1 st Amendment.)
12.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Constitution is so easy to understand, that there is a one Page, five-minute, Summary.

A ‘Summary: Constitution’ exists and it is one page.
See “Documents” on this Site:
The Constitution is about 60 pages and takes about two hours to read.
But almost no one reads it, including our 535 elected U.S. Reps.
When our Reps feel the rare need to address a Constitutional question,
they pass the question on to an “expert,” who, with their biases, advises them.
Our Reps, Schools, Media, believe it is too deep, too scholarly for even them.
Wrong, it is an easy read and can be understood by all who read it.
Each reader can, as can experts, add their bias, and ignore the
words in the Constitution that conflicts with their bias.
The result of almost no Voter or Rep reading it is that
90% of our U.S. and 50% of our State laws are unconstitutional,
and we Voters keep reelecting our Incumbents,
who pass unconstitutional laws &/or allow them to be enforced.
Most  important, is realizing that  the Constitution is not only the “Law.”
it is “The Supreme Law,” and any law that conflicts with it is unconstitutional,
and should not be enforced or obeyed,
if we are willing to suffer the pain of doing that.
The best time to resist unconstitutional laws is when they are passed.
Once passed, and years go by, with no real resistance,
they become Custom, which is stronger than our Constitution.
13.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
All Gov officials, including those we elect, take an “Oath” to “Support” the Constitution.
D & R Incumbents:
They do not support the Constitution, since 90% of all federal laws,
and 50% of all state laws are unconstitutional.
LP Incumbents: 2024
There are 193 of them in office, throughout the US.
(It is reported that “New Hampshire, Wyoming, and Texas
stand out as states where the LP has made significant strides.”)
None of the 193 LP Incumbents are in Texas.
It is easier for elected LP Candidates to “Support” the Constitution,
since it is a libertarian document.
They already agree with 90%+ of it, before they take the “Oath.”
(Note, that the LP would not exist, if our D&R Incumbents,
supported the Constitution.)
Vote for D&R, non-Incumbents, at Primary,
unless your Incumbent proves to you
that they “Support” the Constitution and stood against all COVID laws,
14.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
We have the ‘Right’ to pursue happiness, for Self, if we respect the Rights of others.
Our ‘Rights” are numerous.
Our elected Reps are constantly passing unconstitutional laws to limit them,
while Innovation and Production (I&P) are constantly giving us new ‘Rights,’

like the Right to use meds, cooling, transports, phones and computers.
My libertarian definition of ‘Rights:’
It is also the Constitution’s definition,
which includes the Declaration of Independence:
     We have the ‘Right’ to pursue happiness,
     for Self, if we respect the equal
     ‘Right’ of others to do the same.
All ‘Rights’ are included in this ‘Right.’
     However, if we take a ‘Right’ from another,
     we risk losing some or all our “Rights,’
     if a jury agrees.
All philosophies have exceptions.
Let me know of any exceptions you are willing to express.
15.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Constitutional: ‘Rights’
Right to “Pursue Happiness” is not a Humanitarian right.
‘Rights’ are the ones stated in the Constitution.
It is a legal document (the Supreme Law) that says we have ‘Rights.
That is why we have a Constitution, which codifies that we have ‘Rights,
and it provides an organized way for these United States
to protect our ‘Rights’ and respond to an invasion.
Here is a summary of our Constitutional ‘Rights:”
We do NOT have the ‘Right’ to force others to do things for us,
like, feed us, cloth us, house us, educate us and entertain us.
But we do have the huge ‘Right’ of doing those things for ourself
and anyone else who will let us, or not.
(“Or not” is an important Right — the Right not to do things for others.)
16.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Humanitarian: rights
Our Right to not suffer, like starving, does not give us the Right to force others to feed us.
We have the right to eat to avoid the suffering hunger causes.
but we do NOT have the ‘Right” to make others feed us.
The Libertarian position:
Feeding others “voluntarily” works better and is compatible with being “free.”
Having to feed others “by force of law” does way more harm than good,
and it is compatible with being a slave.
Another example: The right to die humanly:
That is a humanitarian right.
(The Constitution’s ‘Right” is the right to choose (if we can)
how we will die humanly (whatever that is), or not.
However, if we inhumanely murder someone, and a jury agrees,
we no longer have the ‘Right’ to die humanely,
though it is our humanitarian custom to do it humanely.
17.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

County, Texas is where I live, with a population of 234k.
But no one in Brazos can Vote for me,
But they can Vote for another Libertarian Candidate: Bill Kelsey.
The following Chapters say why that is:
TxUsRep 17
TxUsRep 10

  1. TxUsRep:
    Any Texas registered Voter, over the age of 25, can run for any TxUs Rep position #1 – #38.
    TxUS Reps and President are the only Position you can run for while living anywhere in Texas.
    I encourage L Candidate to run for a TxUsRep position.
    It allows L candidate to learn how to run for office and it requires only a little bit of effort.
    (President has 13 L candidates; none from Texas.)
    TxUsRep is the best position for a first time L Candidate.
    They do not have to file reports until they receive &/or spend more than $1k.
    Also, so far, there have always been many TxUSRep positions with no L Candidate.
    BzLP campaigns for its Candidates so they do not have to.
    It also provides their Candidates with a Wed Page, so they can post anything.
    This frees them from raising and spending money and all the requires money reports.
    This frees BzLP’s candidates to do what is important,
    post to their Page and respond to queries.
    19.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    I am running for #17, even though I do not live in that district.
    TxUS Rep Positions are the only Position in the Texas that do not
    require Candidates to live in that district when they run for that Position.
    Brazos County was #17 until 2022.
    Redistricting happened, which changed Bz from #17 to #10.
    Seventeen is now north of BzCo which includes 14 Counties.
    I tried 50 times to get Pete Sessions to respond to
    my OSTA (One Subject at a Time Act) query.
    I called his phone #, sent emails & letters,
    and visuted his local office College Station, TX office 20 times.
    All Sessions contact layers seem designed to
    prevent me (any Voter?) from reaching Sessions.
    Every Voter I presented OSTA to, agreed that, “Yes,”
    they wanted to know why Sessions had not cosponsored it.
    Fifty Voters agreed to meet with Sessions,
    at his local College Station office, if he would agree to meet with us.
    Adding that info in my queries also got no response.
    Then McCaul became my Rep.
    I am running for TxUs Rep #17,
    still hoping to present my OSTA query to Sessions.
    But now I have a more important query:
    “Why are you so unreachable?”

20.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Brazos County used to be #17 (Sessions); after redistricting, it is now #10 (McCaul).
When BzCo became TxUs #10 (McCaul) in Jan 2023,
I also attempted to present OSTA to McCaul as I did with Sessions (#17),
with the same results.
Bill Kelsey is the Libertarian candidate for TxUs#10.
I am his designee to speak for him in Brazos Co when he cannot.
We Libertarians have the same political philosophy,
that is why we are Libertarians.
That means we can speak for each other.
If I meet McCaul at any campaign = event, I will ask him:
“Why are you also so unreachable?”
“Why have you not cosponsored OSTA?”
21.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“One Subject at a Time Act” would prevent other subjects (Riders) from being added to Bills.
One Subject at a Time Act
See “Documents” on this Site:
It is the OSTA Flier that I attempted to present to
Sessions (#17) and McCaul (#10).
It would make Government smaller and better:
If a Rider were its own Bill, it would be voted down.
The more Voters are in favor of the Title of a Bill,
the more Riders the Bill will have.
They are full of special interest pork.
(Omnibus Spending are Riders that spend money
on projects that has nothing to do with the title on the Bill.)

  1. Survey:
    The higher you land on the Nolan Survey, the more libertarian you are.
    To take the Survey, see “Home” on this Site:
    The five minute Survey has 10 Questions that you will agree with, or not.
    You will score 0/0 = 0 to 100/100 = 200.
    A high scorfe means you require less Gov; a low score means you want more.
    Here are examples of what scores means:
    20/20 = 40 = Authoritarian – Gov to heavily control us, it is how our Reps vote, not talk.
    0/80 = 80 = Left, Liberal, Progressive, Green – Gov to control the business part of our lives.
    80/0 = 80 = Right, Conservatve – Gov to control the personal part of our lives.
    50/50 = 100 = Central – Gov to moderately control both parts of our lives.
    80/80 = 160 = Libertarian – Gov to lightly control us, it is how a libertarian Rep would talk & vote.
    By knowing your score and the score of those on your ballot, allows you to Vote for the ones who are most like you.
  2. Score:
    My Nolan score is 100/100 = 200 which means I am extremely pro Liberty.
    For those who scores 120 or higher, I call them “libertarian,”

A libertarian who votes in their Primary, I call them a D or R/libertarian.
If you are a BzCo registered Voter and a libertarian, I will invite you to be on BzLP’s Listserv.
My high score makes me too radical for most Voters
because most want Gov to control us, while I will oppose that.
However, what I want matters not, a majority will dictate how I vote.

  1. Democracy:
    It is a poor system for protecting our Rights, but way better than any other.
    A democracy is a system where majority rules.
    It is a poor system for protecting our Rights,
    while being way better than any other system.
    Our Constitution has improved on that system,
    with Republican for of government,
    which protects the minority from the majority.
  2. Advisors:
    They will be any registered voter in my district who appoint themselves.
    My Advisors will dictate how I will vote in Congress.
    I will keep them informed and they me.
    They will Vote on every motion before I vote on the motion.
    Even if they favor a socialist program or war that I oppose, I will vote as they dictate.
    However, I will try very hard to sway a majority of my Advisors to not favor doing that.
  3. Maverick: (Libertarian)
    Be a Maverick Libertarian Candidate like me, it is easy:
    Do not Campaign for Self — Do not receive or spend money to do that.
    You are lending the LP your name and giving Voters a Liberty choice.
    This is huge, your work is done; leave the Campaigning to your L Parties.
    (If Candidate is willing, as I am, they can help their local Party do that.)
    It is the easiest, no cost way, to learn how to be an L Candidate.
    The easiest position run for is TxUs Rep.
    (No reporting requirements until Ca collects and or spends more than $1k.)
    27.  Schools:
    Public Schools are one of the main reasons our Government keeps growing,
    Public Schools are Socialist Programs.
    Ninety percent of us go to a Public School for 10 to 14 years.
    That is a lot of exposure to the philosophy that Socialism is Good.
    It took me 20 years to realize/learn that all the social
    programs that our Public Schools teach to solve social problems,
    like illiteracy, hunger, drugs, etc., do more harm than good.
    The entire world embraces the Socialist School System,
    because they teach us to do whatever their Gov tells us to do.
    The US is attempting to have the best Socialist System.
    when it should be attempting to maximize our Private System,
    which does a better job for less.

28.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
ProEd: (My Proposal.)
It is a way to encourage/pay parents to privately educate their children.
See “Documents” on this Site:
It is a flier, pitching a way to encourage/pay parents to privately educate their kids.
Right now, 90% of us are educated in socialist schools.
The flier shows how to transition from that to having our kids educated in private schools.
It gives each ISD (Independent School District) the option to
pay parents to take their kids out of their Public School System.
Voters would have to elect a School Board who would implement ProEd,
Or continue to live with what they have now that is costing $12k/yr/kid.
29.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
My Advisors (Voters) are my boss, they will dictate how I will Vote in Congress.
I will not win.
We Vote for D or R candidates not L candidates.
Is I had a D and R opponent, I would get
But if I did win, this would be my Procedure:

  1. Vote “Against” all unconstitutional laws.
  2. Present motions to eliminate unconstitutional programs,
    like the department of Education, Health, Energy, etc.
  3. Invite Voters in my District to appoint themselves to Advise me.
  4. I will post my views on how I will Vote in Congress
  5. I will use their feedback to determine how I will Vote,
  6. No secret meetings, unless Congress requires them.
    Even then I will report as much as I can,
    “Secret” Gov anything is almost always a way to protect the guilty.
    30.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    TxUs17 is a vast area, with 14 Counties, north of Brazos County – two deep x seven wide.
    It touches, and is centered, on BzCo — it is two Co’s high and seven wide.
    It is 50 miles high and 200 miles wide = 10k sq Miles.
    It has an 800k population = 400k are registered = 200k who Vote = 40k who vote in Primaries.
    (24k, 3% of population elected Sessions to be our Rep in their 3/01/2022 R Primary.)
    31.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Parties have Conventions at which time they adopted Platforms to state their Positions.
    My Libertarian Party, where I live is in Brazos Co.
    it has no Platform and uses LPT’s & LPN’s Platforms as their own.
    I basically agree with both 2024 Platforms,
    and I will probably basiclly agree with their 2026 Platforms,
    because they do not change much from one Cv to the next,
    Both Platforms are based on the fact that we have
    The Right to Pursue Happiness for Self.

and our government exists to protect that Right.
The Platforms are here:
32.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Rights, Inflation, Sex, Abortion, Drugs and Draft.
The LP and I base our Positions on recognizing that we have Rights and that it is our job to protect them.
See Chapter 15 for my Position on Rights, which is “We have the Right to Pursue Happiness.”
There are many issues that are part of our Culture which divide us.
Many of us are constantly trying to get Gov to force minorities to bend to our will,
while not willing to accept that, if we succeed, we will also be forced to bend to Gov’s will/force.
Those who are vocal must pick a side; however, media decides which side will be heard.
It does not have to be that way, if a majority of Voters are willing to respect the Rights of others,
and they are willing to go to the trouble NOT to Vote for their Incumbents,
then those who support the Constitution will get elected and Gov will lose its “Power” over us.
The constant fight of trying to use Gov to ‘force’ our will on others
and use it to gain favors for Self, is anti-Liberty.
Liberty means the views of the minority must be protected from the majority.
That only works if a majority, of the few who Vote,
realize that each of us are a minority of one and each of us is unique.
And, in our upside-down world, it also means the majority.
must be protected from the will of the minority.
33.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Proved again that our Reps can (unconstitutionally) take our Rights, which causes inflation.
Our Reps took our Right to associate, to work, to be open for business,
and our Reps decided who was “essential.”
Our Reps give themself the “Power” to unconstitutionally enslave us.
Slavery is costly; our COVID enslavement, for our good,
cost us trillions, making almost all of us poorer, especially our children.
The enslavement, and semi mandatory vaccine, killed more people than it saved.
Someday, when a “real” disaster happens,
we will need our freedoms, more than ever,
to save ourselves from the disaster,
and from being enslaved by our Gov.
The $14Trillion Gov spent, to save us from COVID.
Is the direct cause of our current increase in inflation.
34.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
It is a hidden tax in plain sight.

Almost all Schools teach that 3% to 6%/yr in inflation is a good thing.
Wrong, it is a bad thing, and it is a measure of how bad our Congress
has failed to “support” one of its few Constitutional Powers, which is to:
“Coin money and regulate its value,” Art.1.8.5.
Worse, Inflation is way worse than what we see and measure,
because Innovation and Production constantly lowers the cost of everything,
which makes us richer.
Example, a loaf of bread cost 13 cents 100yrs ago, it now cost $1.50.
1776 – 1900, Congress did its duty with money by backing its money with gold & silver.
During that time, starting with almost no wealth, with almost no government,
with a costly War for independence, and a more costly Civil War,
the US became the wealthiest Nation in the World,
and it increased the wealth of all Nations.
And during that time, there was deflation:
The hourly Carpenter wage for Texas were:
1800 1900 2000 2024
NY 30c 40c $58 $60
(NY is now so socialist its 2000 #s are double Brrazos’:)
Bz 30c 40c $29 $30
The cost of Bread was:
Bz 26c 13c $1.40 $1.50.
1776 – 1900. :
Wages went up 30%, Bread went down 50%, etc = 2%/yr deflation = wealth.
(Wealth is hard to measure. A person who owns an average US 1900 home.)
has way less wealth than the person who owns an average 2000 home.)
1900 – 2024: –
Inflation is always with us because we have had fiat Money for 100yrs,
with the transition from real to fiat (fake) becoming codified again in 1971,
with another unconstitutional law that completely took us off the Gold Standard.
35.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
There should be no laws regarding sex between consenting adults.
Our Govs spend a lot of our money (taxes) arresting, fining, and jailing those who break a sex law,
There are 100s of sex laws telling adults how not to do it.
No mandatory Gov cameras in our homes yet; so,
that makes anti Money-For-Sex laws the costliest for taxpayers and those who are caught.
36.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The rights of fetus and mother are in conflict, respect both as best as we can.
The fetus has the Right to Live, but not the right to make its mother care for him.
The Mother has the Right not to care for her baby, but not the right to harm her baby,
We have the Right not to be enslaved by another.
This is only a problem when the mother rejects her baby.
There is no pure Liberty solution.
The best we can do is have a law that respects both.
I choose a law that gives a mother an appropriate amount of time to decide to be responsible or not.
I pick 10 to 14 weeks.
During that time the mother can legally cause her baby to die.
After that time, the mother is legally “forced’ (by law) to care for her baby.
Congress is required by the Constitution (“Right to Life”) to define what Life is.

I also favor this law because it was the law in many States and seemed to cause the least amount of harm. .
37.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Get rid of laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs.
They are examples of Gov making decisions that we should make for Self.
Because drugs can do harm us; that is no reason to prevent someone for selling it to another.
Arsenic will usually kill us if we consume it.
If I take in just the right amount it will kill certain parasites and virus in my body,
before the arsenic kills me.
Every adult, per our Constitution, has the Right to buy and use arsenic in their Pursuit of happiness.
That goes for all drugs.
Of course, if a person knowingly harms another, it is a Crime,
unless it is done to defend self or others from harm. .
38.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Military service should be voluntary, a draft should not exist.
Many believe a draft should exist when there is a War.
The US has had only two Constitutional Wars in the last 100yrs,
WW1 & WW2, because Congress voted to declare War on other Nations.
All the other Wars were/are unconstitutional.
Note that the US has 3,500 military bases around the world.
Most of the pro draft people, when questioned, would limit the draft to
Only when Congress declares War.
But even then, that is enslaving others, which most libertarians oppose,
But what if enough people do not volunteer, we may lose?
That can always happen and has happened several times.
A good reason to avoid going to War.
But if most of us, who Vote, want lots of soldiers,
then we should pay (tax ourselves) for what we want,
not enslave others for what we want.
If we want more soldiers pay them more, and they will join,
39.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Do not Vote for Incumbents unless they prove to you that they “support” the Constitution.
Do not Vote for your Incumbents in your Primary,
unless they prove to you, beyond a reasonable doubt,
that they are the rare exception,
that they did not vote for unconstitutional laws,
and that they opposed all COVID laws.
If an Incumbent is elected at their March Primary,
do not Vote for them in the Nov General Election.
40.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Index: Summary #3: (More Topics = Rough.)
This Index has a Summary for each one sentence Topic:

If any of the above Topics caught your interest, then this section may have more.
(All my Positions take hours to research and write; and I restate them at every opportunity.
By placing them in this document, it allows me to revisit them, improve them, post them, and be consistent.)
A. Constitution’s 1916 Amendment 16 is unconstitutional.

Congress accepted it by fraudulency certifying that 3/5 of the States had approved

B. Kennedy, 1963, was assassinated by the US military.

We know this because they performed the only autopsy, and they falsified the

C. Electoral College makes low population States more equal to high pop

If you are pro each State deciding what best for them then keep the Electoral

D. Abolishing Voting is a terrible proposal.

The most ruthless would become our leaders/masters and we, their slaves.

E. Voters are the boss; they hire our elected Reps by Voting for them.

Voters should also fire them when they fail to respect what most Voters want.

A.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Constitution’s 1916 Amendment 16 is unconstitutional.
Congress accepted it by fraudulency certifying that 3/5 of the States had approved it.
{{Here is what I have so far:}}
The LAW (the CONSTITUTION, passed in 1776), requires 3/5.  
It is now the Constitution, because no real resistance opposed it.
B.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Kennedy, 1963, was assassinated by the US military.
We know this because they performed the only autopsy, and they falsified the evidence.
{{Here is what I have:}}
C.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Electoral College makes low population States more equal to high pop States.
If you are pro each State deciding what best for them then keep the Electoral College
If you believe majority Rule should trump individual Rights, 
then the President should be elected by the People. 
If you believe majority Rule should NOT trump individual Rights,
then the President should NOT be elected by the People. 
The Electoral College makes low population States more equal to
high population States when deciding who their President will be. 
If the US only had 22 states, one with a little more than half the population 
and all the others with a little less than half,
and both halves want a different President, 
which half should prevail? 
     In this 22 state example: 
     The most populous state is CA  = 39m.   (TX is next with 30m.) 
     The 21 least pop are WY to MM = 38m.   (WY 0.6m to MN 5.9m = 38m.) 
If you are pro majority rule then CA would prevail with 50%+ of the Vote. 
     If CA and its elected President were pro War,
     they would force the other states to support their Wars. 
If you are pro State Rights, like I am, then each state  

(their elected legislature) would have one vote. 
The 21 States would prevail with 95%+ of the Vote. 
If they and their elected President were pro War, 
they would force the majority (CA) to support their Wars. 
Our Founding Fathers rejected both and many other options, 
to get as close as they could to protecting our Right to Pursue Happiness. 
     (Forcing those, who are against wars, to support wars, is the opposite.  
     But sometimes, our Fathers assumed,
     since that is the way nations have always done it, 
     they (our Gov) would have to enslave us to win,
     to keep another nation form enslaving us.) 
They decided on the Electoral College, as being better than either, 
which makes low pop states more equal to high pop state, 
     Each State gets one Elector (Vote) for each US Rep and each Senator. 
     WY = 0.6m pop gets 3 votes (1 + 2) and CA gets 53 votes (51+2). 
In this 22 state example, in which both halves have almost the same pop, 
the equal pop in 21 states would prevail = 93 (51+42) vs 53 (51+2)= 64%. 
Note that our Jury System does not use majority rule to find someone guilty. 
This system does not allow a majority (50%+) to take Rights from another,
like his freedom to pursue happiness — it requires a 100% Vote to do that.  
Nor should we allow the most populous states to dominate the least. 
D.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Abolishing Voting is a terrible proposal.
The most ruthless would become our leaders/masters and we, their slaves.
Forcing your will on another un-libertarian” 
Abolishing all Voting Systems is way worse than our current voting system. 
Also, to :”Abolish” our current system would require use of “force”
against those who favor using “Voting,”over violence, to solve disagreements. 
That would also be un-libertarian.”  
Note that it is our human nature to try to control others. 
Even we libertarians do that,  
which, in extreme cases, does obvious harm  
I am pro having a voluntary voting system,
in which participants agree that they all (100%)
have to agree before they will take a Right from another. 
Our Rights are our most valuable asset,
and it would be very dangerous to take them from another.   
If we take a Right from another,
we risk losing some or all our Rights, if a jury (100%) agrees. 
E.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Voters are the boss; they hire our elected Reps by Voting for them.
Voters should also fire them when they fail to respect what most Voters want.
{{Here is what I have so far.}}
Recognize that we VOTERS are the boss and that WE hired them. 
FIRE  them, by not VOTING for INCUMBENTS.
That would be Voting against the few (0 to 10% max) who are 100% pro Rights (pro Constitution),
but Voter would get it right 95% of the time. 
For VOTERS, who would the like to know what the 60 page Constitution is about,
there is a One page Summary: 
F.  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Military service should be voluntary, a draft should not exist.
If a most Voters what a large army, pay them more.

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