Garland, Clyde
TxUs17 Libertarian Candidate, 2026
Or any position that better
helps: Ask me anything.
979-779-1775 — Let ring 7x to leave a
3100 Rolling Glen; Bryan (Brazos Co).
Less Government, more
If you agree, then vote for
They are elected at their
March Libertarian Conventions, by Libertarians.
(If you want more Gov, less Liberty,
then vote for D or R Candidates at their
3/04/2026 Primary,
then again at the 11/03/2026 General
Gov unconstitutionally took
all our ‘Rights’ during COVID,
costing us $17T, making us
all poorer, especially our children,
except for those Gov deemed
Savery is costly, keeping
us from associating, being open for business,
working, shopping – it destroyed
many businesses and hurt many lives.
including Churches and
charities that lost members and contributions.
A vote for an L Candidate is
a vote for Liberty.
The best way to decide if
voting for a libertarian is for you,
Is to take the 10 question
Nolan Survey.
by: Advocates for Self-Government:
A=Agree, M=Maybe, or D=Disagree
Issues: 20 10 0 Economic Issues: 20 10 0
should not censor Taxpayers
should not be
press, media, or internet. A M D responsible
for student loan debt. A M D
service should be Gov.
should not be responsible
A draft shouldn’t exist. A M D for
providing healthcare. A M D
shouldn’t be laws regarding Let
people control their own
between consenting adults. A M D retirement:
privatize Social Security A M D
Repeal (get
rid of) laws prohibiting Replace
government welfare
possession & use of drugs. A M D with
private charity. A M D
Gov. shouldn’t
target, detain, Cut
taxes and government
deport undocumented workers A M D spending
drastically. A M D
Score: _______ Score: _______
(Clyde’s) Score is 100/100 = too much freedom for some. However, I represent my constituents, their views
will prevail.
Clyde scored 100/100, agreeing with all 10 statements.
He is an extreme libertarian, wanting us to be free to pursue
if we do not harm another.
Conservatives want to control the personal part of our lives, sex
and what we can consume.
Liberals want to control the economic part, labor and investments.
Libertarians do not want to control either.
(Gov only gets involved in our life. when
we harm another.
For all the other stuff, we adults
voluntarily enter into relationships with each other.
Only a very small Gov is needed for that,
the libertarian philosophy.)
Libertarian Candidates basically agree with the LP Texas and
National Platforms
(The Nolan Survey is LP’s unofficial
Platform, because millions hare taken it.)
LPTexas 2024 Platform
Approved at its 2024 Convention by its
They only have a few hours at their
Convention, every even year,
to debate proposed Planks which require
a 60% “Approval” vote.
Therefore, the Platform only changes a
little bit, every two years.
And It is short, seven pages, with 38 Planks
It agrees with all
10 Nolan Survey Statements: Speech, No Draft … Cut Gov Spending.
covers many other topics, it is Pro: Choice, Family, Privacy, Property, Guns,
Equality, Voting, Juries; Anti: Death Penalty, Qualified Immunity, Forfeiture.
LPNational 2024 Platform
Approved at its 2024 Convention by its Delegates.
Like LPT’s Platform, it uses similar words to say the same thing.
It is ten pages, with 34 Planks.
Neither Platform stated that the Constitution is a libertarian
that our incumbents took an “Oath to Support” it, while failing to
do that.
equal, 90% of all federal laws and 50% of all state laws are
Do not vote for Incumbents.
A vote for an R, D, or L. libertarian, is a vote for Liberty.
(Those who run in
LP’s Conventions are libertarians,
And those who win
their Cv election are the best of the best.)
The above has been written for this Candidate,
based on the Nolan Survey, and interviews.
He has no need to wright his own Platform.
However, this is his Candidate Page to post anything he wants,
including adding to this post, changing it, or deleting it.
Better, just ask the Candidate or his designee anything.
His contact email for doing this is under his Name at the top.