Latest Past Events

Sat. Mar. 8th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

C&J's Barbeque 2112 W. Briargate Dr, Bryan

We are back at C&J's in Bryan for our March meeting! We will have lots to talk about I'm sure. Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Feb. 8th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, February 8th, Noon at The Feed Barn (2017 Fountain Ave.) in Bryan! We'll have updates about what's going on at the local, state, and national level. Come out and enjoy the food and conversation.Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Jan. 11th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, January 11th, Noon at The Feed Barn (2017 Fountain Ave.) in Bryan! It's our first meeting of 2025, come kick off the new year of Liberty. Everyone is welcome!

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