Sat. Apr. 20th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, April 20th, Noon at The Feed Barn in Bryan! We will review everything that happened at LPTexas convention and where we go from here. Everyone is welcome!  

Tue. Apr 30 – Taco Tuesday at Rosa’s!

Rosa's Cafe 710 University Dr E., College Station, TX, United States

Tue. Apr. 30th - 6pm at Rosa's Cafe in College Station. Enjoy the "Taco Tuesday" special at Rosa's Cafe with Brazos area Libertarians.  Everyone is welcome!

Sat. May 11th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, May 11th, Noon at The Feed Barn in Bryan! We will talk about the upcoming Libertarian National Convention, and hold an Officer's Meeting at 1pm. Everyone is welcome!

Tue. May 21 – Taco Tuesday at Rosa’s!

Rosa's Cafe 710 University Dr E., College Station, TX, United States

Tue. May 21st - 6pm at Rosa's Cafe in College Station. Enjoy the "Taco Tuesday" special at Rosa's Cafe with Brazos area Libertarians.  Everyone is welcome!

Sat. June 8th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, June 8th, Noon at The Feed Barn in Bryan! We will review what happened at the Libertarian National Convention, and talk about where we go from here. Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Aug. 10th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, August 10th, Noon at The Feed Barn in Bryan! Chair Jeff Miller will report on last weekend's SLEC meeting in Tyler, we will have Ted Brown for Senate yard signs to give out, and talk more about Campaign 2024. Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Oct. 12th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, October 12th, Noon at The Feed Barn in Bryan! It's our final regular meeting before the November election, so if you don't yet have Libertarian yard signs/campaign materials, make sure you get some. Everyone is welcome!

Tue. Oct. 22 – Taco Tuesday at Rosa’s!

Rosa's Cafe 710 University Dr E., College Station, TX, United States

Tue. October 22nd - 6pm at Rosa's Cafe in College Station. Enjoy the "Taco Tuesday" special at Rosa's Cafe with Brazos area Libertarians.  Look for the gold "Enough is Enough!" sign.  Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Nov. 9th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, November 9th, Noon at The Feed Barn in Bryan! You can talk about the election, or anything else you want.  Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Dec. 14th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, December 14th, Noon at The Feed Barn (2017 Fountain Ave.) in Bryan! It's our last meeting of 2024, come talk about what happened this year and what's on tap for the next. Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Jan. 11th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, January 11th, Noon at The Feed Barn (2017 Fountain Ave.) in Bryan! It's our first meeting of 2025, come kick off the new year of Liberty. Everyone is welcome!

Sat. Feb. 8th – Brazos LP Monthly Meeting

Feed Barn 2017 Fountain Avenue, BRYAN, TX, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, February 8th, Noon at The Feed Barn (2017 Fountain Ave.) in Bryan! We'll have updates about what's going on at the local, state, and national level. Come out and enjoy the food and conversation.Everyone is welcome!